Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
AA-17 Motor
AA-17 Motor
Binds on Equip
Heavy Armor (Rating 44)
   159 Armor
Durability: 120/120
Total Stats:
   +12 Mastery
   +25 Endurance

Requires Level 15
Requires Heavy Armor

AA-17 Motor is a prototype-quality heavy armor item that can only be equipped by droids. It is created by player characters through the use of the Cybertech Crew Skill.


Cybertech crew skill[]

AA-17 Motors are player-created items. They are produced by characters trained in the Cybertech Crew Skill.

Schematic source
The schematic used to create AA-17 Motors can be obtained from Cybertech Crew Skill trainers once a character has attained a Cybertech rating of 50 or more.

Related articles[]

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