Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
Adarian Battle Blade
Adarian Battle Blade
Binds on Equip
Main Hand (Melee), Offhand (Melee)
56.0-81.0 Kinetic Damage (Rating 38)
Durability: 200/200
Total Stats:
   +14 Mastery
   +16 Endurance
   +110 Force Power

Requires Level 15
Requires Vibrosword

Adarian Battle Blades are Premium-quality Vibroblades. They can be obtained as a dropped item from level-appropriate mobs.


Dropped item[]

Adarian Battle Blades are part of the level 15 Premium-quality random loot table. They can be obtained as a random loot drop from mobs of the appropriate level.

Dropped item
  • level 15 Premium-Quality Loot List

Related articles[]

External links[]

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