Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki


The bogstalker is one of many ancient species from the planet Taris's prehistory thought extinct until its rediscovery after the planet's bombardment. It turned out that the bogstalkers had survived for millennia beneath Taris's sprawling undercity, and in the post-bombardment wreckage, the bogstalker has thrived as it's natural swampy habitat has spread. Remarkably, the pollutants from the destruction of Taris have only made the bogstalker more resilient, as it's flesh is now poisonous to most predators-even the voracious rakghouls.
~ In-game Codex (Bestiary) on Star Wars: The Old Republic

Bogstalkers are a race of flying reptavian animals native to the planet Taris.


Name Level Combat Type Strength HP Notes
Bogstalker Drone 32/33 Shredder Normal 2355/2485 Defeating can unlock the codex entry. Verified in Tularan Marsh (x:173, y:364, z:-207)
Bogstalker Soldier 33 Burrower Strong 7025
Venomous Bogstalker 32/33 Spineyback Strong 6650/7025
Vicious Bogstalker 32/33 Infected Creature Normal 2355/2485 Defeating can unlock the codex entry. Verified in Tularan Marsh (x:173, y:364, z:-207)


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