Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki

Carnage, relative Combat is one of three Melee DPS Discipline for Sith Marauders and Jedi Sentinels. It is one of 18 different DPS Disciplines. It requires an active Ataru Form to use it efficently. The two support buffs for the raid are Beat Down and Sundered. Its strength are direct damage and Single-Target-Dmg.

List of Carnage\Combat Skills[]

Skill Carnage Skill Combat Level Activation
[Gore] [Lance] 10 Active
[Ataru Form] [Ataru Form] 12 Passive
[Ataru Savvy] [Ataru Savvy] 16 Passive
[Dual Wield Mastery] [Dual Wield Mastery] 20 Passive
[Ataru Mastery] [Ataru Mastery] 24 Passive
[Massacre] [Blade Rush] 26 Active
[Enraged Assault] [Righteous Zeal] 28 Passive
[Disembowel] [Excise] 32 Passive
[Execute] [Opportune Attack] 36 Passive
[Blood Frenzy] [Combat Trance] 40 Passive
[Ferocity] [Precision] 42 Active
[Towering Rage] [Immaculate Force] 44 Passive
[Frenzied Sabers] [Saber Screen] 48 Passive
[Shriek] [Swift Blades] 52 Passive
[Slaughter] [Hand of Justice] 56 Passive
[Force Vigor] [Force Health] 52 Passive
[Devastating Blast] [Clashing Blast] 58 Active
[Force Vigor] [Force Health] 60 Passive
[Efficient Strikes] [Efficient Strikes] 56 Passive
[Sever] [Saber Storm] 68 Passive