Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki

The Cartel Market is an in-game store, introduced with Patch 1.5.0, that provides a variety of items, including pets, vehicles, and character unlocks for Free-to-Play players. The currency used for transactions are Cartel Coins. Items purchased from the Cartel Market are bound to the character that purchased them for a period of time after being placed into inventory. After that time, the items can be traded freely. The bind period is dependent on the account status. Subscribers have a bind time of 1.5 days (36 hours).

The market is divided into several sections: Featured, Newly Added, Packs, Cosmetic, Unlocks, Equipment, and Consumables.

Featured & newly added[]

These sections of the market display discounted, newly added, and other notable items.


This section of the market displays packs of bundled items. These packs contain items available nowhere else.

Main Article: Cartel Pack


This section of the market displays pets, vehicles, and other cosmetic items.

Mtxcarbonitechamber Carbonite Chamber Cartel coin 720

1558EF64 D95C2EA99A919B24 Czerka CR-17 Incendia Speeder Cartel coin 1,800 v01 Ivory Mouse Horranth Cartel coin 240

2B97EF7C B5069F5084AC3C6F Longspur Sportster Cartel coin 720

Mtxholorancor Rancor Holo-Replica Cartel coin 180


This section of the market displays unlockable content mostly for Free-to-Play players, but has some content for subscribers.

6544FBDB 25FA1473337DDC3C Ultimate Leveling Bundle Cartel coin 5,125

917B3A57 95A34B1BCCF7861E Newcomer Bundle Cartel coin 810

917B3A57 95A34B1BCCF7861E Preferred Access Bundle Cartel coin 1,620

Pazaakcard2 Additional Character Slot Cartel coin 600

CCF7E679 B972FD914A3651A7 Access Authorization: Section X Cartel coin 600

Complexaccesscard Authorization: Artifact Equipment Cartel coin 1,200

Complexaccesscard1 Authorization: Crew Member Appearance Cartel coin 325

Complexaccesscard2 Authorization: Event Equipment Requisition Cartel coin 175

Chipset Unlock: Guild Bank Access Cartel coin 600

Galactictradekioskunlock Unlock: 10 Galactic Trade Network Sale Slots Cartel coin 125

D22E38F1 D0E9841A700871E3 Unlock: Additional Quickbar Cartel coin 250

95096658 4D9148504E1F065B Unlock: Cargo Hold Access Cartel coin 475

Supermissilebay Unlock: Additional Cargo Bay Cartel coin 475

Legacyofaltruism2 Unlock: Inventory Module Cartel coin 175

Silverdatadisk Unlock: Crew Skill Slot Cartel coin 420

Legacyspeederlicense Legacy Perk: Improved Speeder Piloting I Cartel coin 475

FB2FB9E4 00FB0B011DC63FD6 Legacy Perk: Improved Speeder Piloting II Cartel coin 225

Mount.speederbike.anteater.04 Legacy Perk: Improved Speeder Piloting III Cartel coin 225

Iachisssecretpolice Legacy Unlock: Chiss Cartel coin 600

Souterrimpirate Legacy Unlock: Cyborg Cartel coin 600

Jkmiralukansurvivor Legacy Unlock: Miraluka Cartel coin 600

Jcmirlalanwanderer Legacy Unlock: Mirialan Cartel coin 600

Bhrattatakigladiator Legacy Unlock: Rattataki Cartel coin 600

Swsithpureblood Legacy Unlock: Sith Pureblood Cartel coin 600

Stwilekrogue Legacy Unlock: Twi'lek Cartel coin 600

Sizabrakcriminal Legacy Unlock: Zabrak Cartel coin 600

Prioritymedevac1 Customization Control: Display Character Titles Cartel coin 100

Mindtrap Customization Control: Hide Head Slot Cartel coin 350

Fieldrespec Customization Control: Unify Colors Cartel coin 350

FD691D45 0C68C45D1B275E98 Customization Control: Display Legacy Name and Title Cartel coin 100


This section of the market displays armor, weapons, and other equipment.

45751AB2 6E30A0DAE2A2F2CA Heartless Pursuer Armor Set Cartel coin 1,440

B1F3262C 18D8F1EBEE9AEF7B Sand People Pillager Armor Set Cartel coin 1,440

8FFC782D D1ED435B6A914BF9 Malevolent Interrogator Armor Set Cartel coin 1,440

8D69D4B2 4FC900C67081D9BA Sanctified Caretaker Armor Set Cartel coin 1,440

4ED9B1F7 EAA30E7ED8D86495 Clandestine Officer Armor Set Cartel coin 1,440

287CA3A6 C6081D6919A0AF0B Interstellar Privateer Armor Set Cartel coin 1,440

D64013C7 57C62F138D739766 Valiant Jedi Armor Set Cartel coin 1,440

0669860B CE47BA45E7BC0417 Sith Raider Armor Set Cartel coin 1,440 outfit.republic.chest Experimental Pilot Suit Cartel coin 1,200 outfit.empire.chest Covert Pilot Suit Cartel coin 1,200

Ballisticshield Grade 7 Starship Defensive Bundle Cartel coin 400

97A1464A 70290BFD9CE5005E Grade 7 Starship Offensive Bundle Cartel coin 550

Improvedpowerconversionmodule Grade 7 Starship Tactical Bundle Cartel coin 350

53C29B2F 77D4F887EED9C5F1 Investigator's Armor Set Cartel coin 1,200

038C04B0 5C71055745D28CA0 Destroyer Armor Set Cartel coin 1,200

1F3D1A42 8DA6DAC064957C21 CZ-13K Guerrilla Armor Set Cartel coin 1,200

16C7A053 920B194AC0388858 Outlaw's Armor Set Cartel coin 1,200

FDB1F84A 6159BBBA097D2232 Noble Commander's Armor Set Cartel coin 1,200

324ACF5B 041D78FE0580B62F Pathfinder's Armor Set Cartel coin 1,200

76A7F5BC 47210F8847C07722 MA-44 Combat Armor Set Cartel coin 1,200

D815B029 760E4D8C0F34540E X-3 Techmaster Armor Set Cartel coin 1,200

Yellowsuperiorlightsabercrystal Advanced Orange-Yellow Indestructible Crystal Cartel coin 900

Yellowsuperiorlightsabercrystal Advanced Orange-Yellow Eviscerating Crystal Cartel coin 900

Yellowsuperiorlightsabercrystal Advanced Orange-Yellow Hawkeye Crystal Cartel coin 900

Yellowsuperiorlightsabercrystal Advanced Orange-Yellow War Hero's Crystal Cartel coin 900

Ipp.class.inq.bis.hdps1.t2x2.chest Dark Initiate's Robe Cartel coin 150

Ipp.class.war.bis.mdps1.t2x2.chest Saberist's Body Armor Cartel coin 150 CZ-5 Armored Assault Harness Cartel coin 150

Ipp.class.spy.bis.tdps1.t2x2.chest Street Slicer's Longcoat Cartel coin 150

Ipp.class.jco.bis.cheal.t2x2.chest Redeemer's Harness Cartel coin 150

Ipp.class.kni.bis.mdps1.t2x2.chest Wayfarer's Robe Cartel coin 150

Ipp.class.tro.bis.rtank.t2x2.chest MA-35 Forward Ops Chestplate Cartel coin 150

Ipp.class.smu.bis.theal.t2x2.chest Outrider's Flight Jacket Cartel coin 150

0F0F65CE D815A6D9BED65388 Gamorrean Axe Cartel coin 350


This section of the market displays XP and Valor boosts and other passes and unlocks for Free-to-Play players.

Xpboostmajor Major Experience Boost Cartel coin 120

Toolbox 5-Pack: Major Experience Boost Cartel coin 480

Xpboostminor Minor Experience Boost Cartel coin 60

Prioritytransport5 Fleet Travel Pass Cartel coin 90

Probedroid Medical Probes Cartel coin 500

Shuttlepass Weekly Pass: Warzones Cartel coin 240

Secureaccesscardcolorvariant1 Weekly Pass: Flashpoints Cartel coin 240

Shuttlepassvariant Weekly Pass: Space Missions Cartel coin 240

Secureaccesscard Weekly Pass: Operations Cartel coin 240

Valorpointunlock Major Valor Boost Cartel coin 50

Valorpointunlock Minor Valor Boost Cartel coin 30

Prioritytransportunlock3 Quick Travel Pass Cartel coin 90

No longer in game[]

Main Article: Removed Cartel Market items

Items are sometimes removed from the Cartel Market, usually holiday specific items, like Life Day.
