This category has the following 17 subcategories, out of 17 total.
- Alderaan codex images (6 F)
- Balmorra codex images (6 F)
- Belsavis codex images (17 F)
- Corellia codex images (6 F)
- Coruscant codex images (10 F)
- Dromund Kaas codex images (3 F)
- Hoth codex images (16 F)
- Hutta codex images (16 F)
- Korriban codex images (2 F)
- Nar Shaddaa codex images (6 F)
- Ord Mantell codex images (25 F)
- Quesh codex images (6 F)
- Republic Fleet codex images (2 F)
- Taris codex images (5 F)
- Tatooine codex images (7 F)
- Tython codex images (13 F)
- Voss codex images (9 F)
Media in category "Codex images"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 245 total.
(previous page) (next page)- 5A7D8C7E 9F01553D2A4C2DC0.png 500 × 336; 203 KB
- AE0534E3 4CBEFF2E943D1829.png 500 × 336; 205 KB
- Cdx.achievements.flashpoint.the esseles.vokk.png 500 × 336; 111 KB
- Cdx.achievements.flashpoint.the false emperor.darth malgus.png 500 × 336; 126 KB
- Cdx.achievements.hoth.gargath.png 500 × 336; 133 KB
- Cdx.achievements.hoth.giant mutated whitefang.png 500 × 336; 138 KB
- Cdx.advanced classes.juggernaut.png 500 × 336; 140 KB
- Cdx.advanced classes.marauder.png 500 × 336; 143 KB
- Cdx.advanced classes.sith assassin.png 500 × 336; 130 KB
- Cdx.advanced classes.sith sorcerer.png 500 × 336; 138 KB
- Cdx.bestiary.bantha.png 500 × 336; 120 KB
- Cdx.bestiary.bogstalker.png 500 × 336; 139 KB
- Cdx.bestiary.dewback.png 500 × 336; 122 KB
- Cdx.bestiary.grazer.png 500 × 336; 141 KB
- Cdx.bestiary.gundark.png 500 × 336; 146 KB
- Cdx.bestiary.harvap.png 500 × 336; 171 KB
- Cdx.bestiary.lobel.png 500 × 336; 149 KB
- Cdx.bestiary.nekghoul.png 500 × 336; 138 KB
- Cdx.bestiary.rakghoul.png 500 × 336; 146 KB
- Cdx.bestiary.rill.png 500 × 336; 131 KB
- Cdx.bestiary.shaclaw.png 500 × 336; 173 KB
- Cdx.bestiary.shyrack.png 500 × 336; 129 KB
- Cdx.bestiary.sleen.png 500 × 336; 126 KB
- Cdx.bestiary.thranta.png 500 × 336; 118 KB
- Cdx.bestiary.trinthan prowler.png 500 × 336; 143 KB
- Cdx.bestiary.tukata.png 500 × 336; 124 KB
- Cdx.bestiary.vine cat.png 500 × 336; 140 KB
- Cdx.bestiary.warrior.beast of marka ragnos.png 500 × 336; 137 KB
- Cdx.bestiary.wraid.png 500 × 336; 137 KB
- Cdx.bestiary.zeldrate.png 500 × 336; 149 KB
- Cdx.chapter 4.makeb.bestiary.barbed ginx.png 500 × 336; 232 KB
- Cdx.chapter 4.makeb.bestiary.exoboar.png 500 × 336; 264 KB
- Cdx.chapter 4.makeb.bestiary.pterathki.png 500 × 336; 242 KB
- Cdx.chapter 4.makeb.lore.alien initiatives.png 500 × 336; 174 KB
- Cdx.chapter 4.makeb.lore.gravity hooks.png 500 × 336; 216 KB
- Cdx.chapter 4.makeb.lore.history of makeb.png 500 × 336; 178 KB
- Cdx.chapter 4.makeb.lore.isotope 5.png 500 × 336; 175 KB
- Cdx.chapter 4.makeb.organizations.interstellar regulators.png 500 × 336; 204 KB
- Cdx.chapter 4.makeb.persons.darth marr.png 500 × 336; 201 KB
- Cdx.datacron.alderaan.datacron 1.png 500 × 336; 125 KB
- Cdx.datacron.alderaan.datacron 3.png 500 × 336; 134 KB
- Cdx.datacron.balmorra imp.datacron 1.png 500 × 336; 125 KB
- Cdx.datacron.balmorra imp.datacron 2.png 500 × 336; 104 KB
- Cdx.datacron.balmorra imp.datacron 3.png 500 × 336; 134 KB
- Cdx.datacron.balmorra imp.datacron 4.png 500 × 336; 128 KB
- Cdx.datacron.balmorra imp.datacron 5.png 500 × 336; 130 KB
- Cdx.datacron.belsavis.datacron 1.png 500 × 336; 125 KB
- Cdx.datacron.belsavis.datacron 2.png 500 × 336; 104 KB
- Cdx.datacron.belsavis.datacron 3.png 500 × 336; 134 KB
- Cdx.datacron.belsavis.datacron 5.png 500 × 336; 130 KB
- Cdx.datacron.coruscant.datacron 5.png 500 × 336; 130 KB
- Cdx.datacron.dromund kaas.datacron 2.png 500 × 336; 104 KB
- Cdx.datacron.dromund kaas.datacron 3.png 500 × 336; 134 KB
- Cdx.datacron.dromund kaas.datacron 4.png 500 × 336; 128 KB
- Cdx.datacron.dromund kaas.datacron 5.png 500 × 336; 130 KB
- chamber sith.png 500 × 336; 129 KB
- chamber.png 500 × 336; 111 KB
- Cdx.datacron.hoth.datacron 2.png 500 × 336; 104 KB
- Cdx.datacron.hoth.datacron 3.png 500 × 336; 134 KB
- Cdx.datacron.hutta.datacron 2.png 500 × 336; 114 KB
- Cdx.datacron.korriban.datacron 1.png 500 × 336; 115 KB
- Cdx.datacron.korriban.datacron 2.png 500 × 336; 134 KB
- Cdx.datacron.korriban.datacron 3.png 500 × 336; 109 KB
- Cdx.datacron.nar shaddaa.datacron 2.png 500 × 336; 104 KB
- Cdx.datacron.nar shaddaa.datacron 4.png 500 × 336; 128 KB
- Cdx.datacron.ord mantell.datacron 2.png 500 × 336; 124 KB
- Cdx.datacron.quesh.datacron 1.png 500 × 336; 125 KB
- Cdx.datacron.quesh.datacron 2.png 500 × 336; 104 KB
- Cdx.datacron.quesh.datacron 3.png 500 × 336; 134 KB
- Cdx.datacron.taris rep.datacron 1.png 500 × 336; 125 KB
- Cdx.datacron.taris rep.datacron 2.png 500 × 336; 104 KB
- Cdx.datacron.tatooine.datacron 1.png 500 × 336; 125 KB
- Cdx.datacron.tatooine.datacron 2.png 500 × 336; 104 KB
- Cdx.datacron.tatooine.datacron 3.png 500 × 336; 134 KB
- Cdx.datacron.tatooine.datacron 5.png 500 × 336; 130 KB
- Cdx.event.gree.republic memorial.png 500 × 336; 201 KB
- Cdx.flashpoint elom.png 500 × 336; 221 KB
- combat.png 500 × 336; 141 KB
- rules.tutorials.combat.png 500 × 336; 137 KB
- rules.tutorials.conversations.png 500 × 336; 129 KB
- content.png 500 × 336; 91 KB
- rules.tutorials.missions.png 500 × 336; 96 KB
- rules.tutorials.other players.png 500 × 336; 119 KB
- rules.tutorials.phasing and story areas.png 500 × 336; 126 KB
- Cdx.location.alderaan.kaamos territory.png 500 × 336; 155 KB
- Cdx.location.alderaan.kings pass.png 500 × 336; 141 KB
- Cdx.location.alderaan.the juran mountains.png 500 × 336; 109 KB
- Cdx.location.balmorra imp.outpost victory.png 500 × 336; 149 KB
- Cdx.location.coruscant.jedi temple ruins.png 500 × 336; 120 KB
- Cdx.location.coruscant.senate tower.png 500 × 336; 136 KB
- Cdx.location.dromund kaas.dark temple.png 500 × 336; 110 KB
- Cdx.location.dromund kaas.grathan estate.png 500 × 336; 116 KB
- Cdx.location.dromund kaas.imperial intelligence.png 500 × 336; 104 KB
- Cdx.location.dromund kaas.kaas city.png 500 × 336; 125 KB
- Cdx.location.dromund kaas.the citadel.png 500 × 336; 109 KB
- Cdx.location.dromund kaas.the mandalorian enclave.png 500 × 336; 110 KB
- Cdx.location.dromund kaas.the sith consulate.png 500 × 336; 118 KB
- Cdx.location.dromund kaas.the wilds.png 500 × 336; 156 KB
- Cdx.location.hutta.faathras palace.png 500 × 336; 131 KB
- Cdx.location.hutta.jiguuna.png 500 × 336; 142 KB
- Cdx.location.hutta.nemros palace.png 500 × 336; 147 KB
- Cdx.location.korriban.tomb of ajunta pal.png 500 × 336; 134 KB
- Cdx.location.korriban.tomb of naga sadow.png 500 × 336; 129 KB
- Cdx.location.korriban.tomb of tulak hord.png 500 × 336; 143 KB
- Cdx.location.korriban.valley of the dark lords.png 500 × 336; 129 KB
- worlds.fleet battle.png 500 × 336; 140 KB
- station.png 500 × 336; 150 KB
- Cdx.location.taris rep.reclamation base.png 500 × 336; 148 KB
- Cdx.location.taris rep.sinking city.png 500 × 336; 142 KB
- Cdx.location.tatooine.jundland.png 500 × 336; 121 KB
- Cdx.location.tatooine.mos ila.png 500 × 336; 117 KB
- Cdx.location.tatooine.the dune sea.png 500 × 336; 100 KB
- Cdx.location.tatooine.the wound.png 500 × 336; 136 KB
- Cdx.locations.balmorra rep.balmorran arms factory.png 500 × 336; 128 KB
- Cdx.locations.balmorra rep.bugtown.png 500 × 336; 135 KB
- Cdx.locations.balmorra jacent.png 500 × 336; 145 KB
- Cdx.locations.balmorra rep.okara droid factory.png 500 × 336; 135 KB
- Cdx.locations.corellia.axial park.png 500 × 336; 156 KB
- Cdx.locations.corellia.blastfield shipyards.png 500 × 336; 137 KB
- Cdx.locations.corellia.capitol square.png 500 × 336; 144 KB
- Cdx.locations.corellia.incorporation islands.png 500 × 336; 152 KB
- Cdx.locations.corellia.labor valley.png 500 × 336; 170 KB
- Cdx.locations.hoth.clabburn tundra.png 500 × 336; 86 KB
- Cdx.locations.hoth.highmount ridge.png 500 × 336; 90 KB
- Cdx.locations.hoth.icefall plains.png 500 × 336; 79 KB
- Cdx.locations.hoth.the fatality crash.png 500 × 336; 141 KB
- Cdx.locations.hoth.whiterock wastes.png 500 × 336; 85 KB
- Cdx.locations.illum.the jedi temple.png 500 × 336; 104 KB
- Cdx.locations.nar shaddaa.the promenade.png 500 × 336; 142 KB
- Cdx.locations.quesh.brogas palace.png 500 × 336; 130 KB
- Cdx.locations.quesh.chem basin mine.png 500 × 336; 108 KB
- Cdx.locations.quesh.grancha lakand venom mine.png 500 × 336; 155 KB
- Cdx.locations.quesh.quesh venom refinery.png 500 × 336; 116 KB
- Cdx.locations.quesh.three families war camp.png 500 × 336; 138 KB
- Cdx.locations.voss.alien enclave.png 500 × 336; 179 KB
- Cdx.locations.voss.dark heart.png 500 × 336; 108 KB
- Cdx.locations.voss.shrine of healing.png 500 × 336; 123 KB
- Cdx.locations.voss.the ruined city.png 500 × 336; 140 KB
- Cdx.locations.voss.the step of harmony.png 500 × 336; 112 KB
- Cdx.locations.voss.voss ka.png 500 × 336; 140 KB
- Cdx.lore.agent.balmorran terror cell.png 500 × 336; 119 KB
- Cdx.lore.alderaan.the war for alderaans throne.png 500 × 336; 138 KB
- Cdx.lore.balmorra imp.imperial military on balmorra.png 500 × 336; 129 KB
- Cdx.lore.balmorra imp.invasion of balmorra.png 500 × 336; 134 KB
- Cdx.lore.bounty hunter.colicoid queen.png 500 × 336; 133 KB
- Cdx.lore.bounty hunter.geroya be haran.png 500 × 336; 136 KB
- Cdx.lore.coruscant.reconstruction of coruscant.png 500 × 336; 124 KB
- Cdx.lore.coruscant.republic government.png 500 × 336; 130 KB
- Cdx.lore.coruscant.the sacking of coruscant.png 500 × 336; 125 KB
- Cdx.lore.dromund kaas.sith spawn.png 500 × 336; 138 KB
- Cdx.lore.dromund kaas.statue center.png 500 × 336; 113 KB
- Cdx.lore.dromund kaas.statue west.png 500 × 336; 124 KB
- Cdx.lore.flashpoint.illum.the schism collective.png 500 × 336; 113 KB
- Cdx.lore.inquisitor.dream walking.png 500 × 336; 91 KB
- Cdx.lore.ita rta.treaty of coruscant.png 500 × 336; 110 KB
- Cdx.lore.korriban.admission to the sith academy.png 500 × 336; 128 KB
- Cdx.lore.korriban.legacy of tulak hord.png 500 × 336; 112 KB
- Cdx.lore.korriban.sith weapons.png 500 × 336; 142 KB
- Cdx.lore.korriban.slavery in the empire.png 500 × 336; 109 KB
- Cdx.lore.lots.manaan.binexan destroyer.png 500 × 336; 125 KB
- Cdx.lore.nar shaddaa.the spice business.png 500 × 336; 138 KB
- world.act 1.kira carsens dark past.png 500 × 336; 96 KB
- Cdx.lore.ord mantell.refugees of war.png 500 × 336; 123 KB
- Cdx.lore.other.cosmetic kiosk.png 500 × 336; 165 KB
- Cdx.lore.quesh.atmosphere of quesh.png 500 × 336; 107 KB
- Cdx.lore.rakghoul.evolved rakghoul plague.png 500 × 336; 163 KB
- Cdx.lore.taris rep.environment of taris.png 500 × 336; 138 KB
- Cdx.lore.taris rep.jedi civil war.png 500 × 336; 105 KB
- Cdx.lore.taris rep.republic reconstruction.png 500 × 336; 145 KB
- Cdx.lore.voss.mystic visions.png 500 × 336; 117 KB
- alde.png 500 × 336; 147 KB
- organa.png 500 × 336; 119 KB
- panteer.png 500 × 336; 123 KB
- rist.png 500 × 336; 145 KB
- ulgo.png 500 × 336; 109 KB
- Cdx.organizations.balmorra imp.balmorran resistance.png 500 × 336; 117 KB
- Cdx.organizations.corellia.corellian security.png 500 × 336; 110 KB
- sun.png 500 × 336; 127 KB
- Cdx.organizations.coruscant.coruscant security.png 500 × 336; 107 KB
- Cdx.organizations.coruscant.migrant merchants guild.png 500 × 336; 124 KB
- Cdx.organizations.flashpoint.ilum.anomid technologies.png 500 × 336; 117 KB
- cartel.png 500 × 336; 136 KB
- 500 × 336; 101 KB
- world.act 3.the emperors fallen jedi.png 500 × 336; 137 KB
- Cdx.organizations.tatooine.imperial reclamation service.png 500 × 336; 138 KB
- Cdx.persons.agent.darth jadus.png 500 × 336; 137 KB
- Cdx.persons.agent.kaliyo djannis.png 500 × 336; 117 KB
- Cdx.persons.agent.scorpio.png 500 × 336; 120 KB
- Cdx.persons.agent.station chief.png 500 × 336; 113 KB
- Cdx.persons.balmorra imp.darth lachris.png 500 × 336; 120 KB
- Cdx.persons.companion.fen zeil.png 500 × 336; 184 KB
- Cdx.persons.corellia.cole cantarus.png 500 × 336; 132 KB
- Cdx.persons.corellia.general aves.png 500 × 336; 115 KB
- Cdx.persons.exp.04.colonel korrd.png 500 × 336; 131 KB
- 47.png 500 × 336; 122 KB
- Cdx.persons.inquisitor.ashara zavros.png 500 × 336; 115 KB
- Cdx.persons.inquisitor.khem val.png 500 × 336; 125 KB
- Cdx.persons.inquisitor.lord zash.png 500 × 336; 116 KB
- Cdx.persons.ita rta.grand moff kilran.png 500 × 336; 112 KB
- Cdx.persons.knight.doc.png 500 × 336; 124 KB