Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
Cleanse the Valley

Level 1 mission
Sith Inquisitor Bonus Mission

Planet [[Korriban]]
Area [[Valley of the Dark Lords]]
Bonus for Icon class sithinquisitor [3] Of Mind and Matter

Cleanse the Valley is a level 1 bonus mission available to Sith Inquisitors. It can be obtained on the planet Korriban while completing the class mission Of Mind and Matter, before entering the tomb of Ajunta Pall; this bonus mission begins following the defeat of a K'lor'slug Forager.


You have been sent to the tomb of Ajunta Pall as part of your training at the Sith Academy. Before entering the tomb, you should hone your combat skills on the k'lor'slug foragers in the Valley of the Dark Lords.
~ Star Wars: The Old Republic, Cleanse the Valley mission description



Sith Inquisitor Korriban mission chain[]

  1. Icon class sithinquisitor [3] Of Mind and Matter
  2. Icon class sithinquisitor [4] The Plight Of The Acolyte
  3. Icon class sithinquisitor [5] A Little Knowledge
    • Icon class sithinquisitor [6] Silence the Screechers (Bonus)
  4. Icon class sithinquisitor [7] The Secret of Tulak Hord
  5. Icon class sithinquisitor [8] Martial Law
  6. Icon class sithinquisitor [11] A Map for the Future
  7. Icon class sithinquisitor [11] Go to Dromund Kaas

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