Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
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Advanced Gear codex illustration

The Advanced Gear codex entry is located within the Game Rules section of a player's codex once it has been unlocked.

Codex entry[]

Once you've reached the level cap, power increases are primarily determined by your equipment. The best equipment can be acquired by taking on the toughest challenges: Flashpoints, Operations, and Warzones.

You can earn commendations by queuing up for difficult group content in Group Finder. These can be traded for gear that is best suitable in Flashpoints and Operations (PvE). Queing up for Warzones will earn you commendations which can be traded for gear that is best suitable against other players (PvP). Gear vendors are located on the Fleet, in the Supplies and Combat Training wings.

For more information about how and where to obtain the best equipment at level 50 and beyond, visit:

~ Star Wars: The Old Republic, Advanced Gear codex entry

Entry details[]

This codex entry is unlocked upon accepting the Advanced Gear mission.

  • Galactic Republic Icon class jediconsular [50] Advanced Gear: Jedi Consular
  • Galactic Republic Icon class jediknight [50] Advanced Gear: Jedi Knight
  • Galactic Republic Icon class smuggler [50] Advanced Gear: Smuggler
  • Galactic Republic Icon class trooper [50] Advanced Gear: Trooper
  • Sith Empire Icon class bountyhunter [50] Advanced Gear: Bounty Hunter
  • Sith Empire Icon class imperialagent [50] Advanced Gear: Imperial Agent
  • Sith Empire Icon class sithinquisitor [50] Advanced Gear: Sith Inquisitor
  • Sith Empire Icon class sithwarrior [50] Advanced Gear: Sith Warrior


External links[]

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