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Dark Rites: Cleansing RitualDialog • Notes
Dark Rites: Cleansing Ritual is a level 47 mission available to characters belonging to the Sith Empire . It is obtained on Voss by speaking with Murbek Gehn in Ghen's Overlook Command Center .
Summary [ ]
Murbek Gehn has told you of a ritual you may undertake to protect yourself from the maddening power of the Nightmare Lands . You must cleanse a shard of the land itself in order to free yourself from its effects.
~ Star Wars: The Old Republic , Dark Rites: Cleansing Ritual mission description
Objectives [ ]
Cleanse the Shard at Master Rosso's Shrine
Cleanse the Shard at Master Vallis's Shrine
Cleanse the Shard at Master Yan-De's Shrine
Draw Out the Evil at Master Kun's Shrine
Defeat the Evil within the Shard
Return to Murbek Gehn
Rewards [ ]
?? XP
Select One Reward:
See also [ ]
External links [ ]