Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Binds on Pickup
Main Hand (Melee)
54.0-81.0 Energy Damage (Rating 28)
Durability: 200/200
Total Stats:
   +9 Mastery
   +11 Endurance
   +90 Force Power

Item Modifications
   Red Color Crystal (2)
   Hilt (8)
   Mod (8)
   Enhancement (8)

Requires Double-bladed Lightsaber
This article is for the Sith Assassin weapon. For the weapon term, see double-bladed lightsaber.

The Double-Bladed Lightsaber is a custom double-bladed lightsaber that can be equipped in a character's main hand weapon slot.


The Double-Bladed Lightsaber is obtained by Sith Inquisitors from Assassin Supply Pack once they select their advanced class.

Mission reward
Sith Empire Icon class sithinquisitor [10] Advanced Training: Sith Inquisitor

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