Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
EV-2 Macrobinoculars
EV-2 Macrobinoculars
Binds on Pickup
Mission Item
Use: Look through your macrobinoculars, allowing you to identify and scan distant targets of interest. After scanning an object, pertinent information about it will be displayed inside the macrobinocular HUD.

Right-click this item to permanently add the EV-2 Macrobinoculars to your set of ablilites. You can then use them from the General tab of your Abilities page.

EV-2 Macrobinoculars are a mission item introduced with Rise of the Hutt Cartel.


EV-2 Macrobinoculars are obtained as a mission reward on Coruscant or Dromund Kaas.

Mission objective
Sith Empire [55H4] The Shroud's Last Stand


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