Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
Explosive Conflict
Explosive Conflict

Level 80 Operation

Location Denova
Hard Mode Yes
Nightmare Mode Yes
End Boss Warlord Kephess

Explosive Conflict ("EC") is an operation that takes place on the planet Denova. Currently, Explosive Conflict has the lowest boss count of any operation in the game (excluding Boss Lairs/Instanced Bosses). It's entrance can be found on the Ziost Shadow (imperal) / Gav Daragon (Republic). This operation has 4 bosses total, ending with Warlord Kephess.

It was the third level 50 operation in terms of difficulty. With patch 7.0.0, the level was increased to 80. It can be completed in Story Mode, Veteran Mode, and Master Mode (Previously Nightmare Mode aka "NiM"). Explosive Conflict is the oldest Operation to currently have a Master Mode difficulty.


"On the planet of Denova, a brutal conflict between an invading Imperial army and Republic-backed mercenaries has come to an abrupt end. Both armies have turned on their governments, swearing allegiance to a legendary warlord who has declared himself ruler of the planet! Now both the Empire and the Republic call on their strongest champions to head to Denova and take the planet from the warlord and his army."






Main article: Explosive Conflict loot
Unknown Difficulty:[]

Qyzen Kephess Customization (Warlord Kephess)

Story Mode:[]

Gear: All Tionese gear

Mounts: Avalanche Heavy Tank (Any Boss, Low chance)

Pets: N/A

Cosmetics: N/A

Titles: "Minesweeper" (Colonel Vorgath: defuse a mine)

Veteran Mode:[]

Gear: All Columni gear / Rakata Earpieces, Implants & Relics

Mounts: Praxon Bloodline (Warlord Kephess), Praxon Firaxa (Warlord Kephess), Avalanche Heavy Tank (Any Boss)

Pets: N/A

Cosmetics: N/A

Titles: "Minesweeper" (Colonel Vorgath: defuse a mine)

Master Mode:[]

Gear: All Rakata gear

Mounts: Praxon Bloodline, Praxon Firaxa (Warlord Kephess), Avalanche Heavy Tank (Any Boss)

Pets: N/A

Cosmetics: N/A

Titles: "Warstalker" (Timed Completion), "Minesweeper" (Colonel Vorgath: defuse a mine)


  • Colonel Vorgath (Hard)
  • Colonel Vorgath (Nightmare)
  • Colonel Vorgath (Story)
  • Denova
  • Firebrand and Stormcaller Tanks (Hard)
  • Firebrand and Stormcaller Tanks (Nightmare)
  • Firebrand and Stormcaller Tanks (Story)
  • Minesweeper
  • Survived Colonel Vorgath (Hard)
  • Survived Colonel Vorgath (Nightmare)
  • Survived Colonel Vorgath (Story)
  • Survived Firebrand and Stormcaller Tanks (Hard)
  • Survived Firebrand and Stormcaller Tanks (Nightmare)
  • Survived Firebrand and Stormcaller Tanks (Story)
  • Survived Warlord Kephess (Hard)
  • Survived Warlord Kephess (Nightmare)
  • Survived Warlord Kephess (Story)
  • Survived Zorn and Toth (Hard)
  • Survived Zorn and Toth (Nightmare)
  • Survived Zorn and Toth (Story)
  • Warlord Kephess (Hard)
  • Warlord Kephess (Nightmare)
  • Warlord Kephess (Story)
  • Zorn and Toth (Hard)
  • Zorn and Toth (Nightmare)
  • Zorn and Toth (Story)


External links[]
