Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
Vine Cat

Vine Cats are non-sentient creatures.


The savage Vine Cats are nearly insatiable. Their large size requires them to feed often, and they've evolved into efficient and clever hunters. Long, heavy tails provide them with extraordinary balance; they are as comfortable scaling rocky cliffs as they are leaping from tree to tree. Possessed of large, razor-sharp claws and a ferocious bite, Vine Cats have been known to tear the heavily armored sleen apart in less than ten seconds. With a compact muscular structure and the ability to leap eight meters or more,the Vine Cat is never to be underestimated.

Vine Cats have been introduced to new worlds by the Sith, who prize them for their ferocity and cunning. The beasts adapt remarkably well to new environments, from the dark forest of their native Ziost to the swamps of Dromund Kaas. This adaptability has proven unfortunate for many natives species introduced to Vine Cats, such as the Scrapbeak Groundling, driven to extinction within a mere three months of contact. The Sith have an appreciation for this show of strength and domination, and it is likely they will continue carrying these creatures with them to new worlds.

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