Calendar SW
Calendar SWTOR
3.699 BBY
46 BTC
Satele Shan is born
3.698 BBY
45 BTC
Darth Baras is born
3.697 BBY
44 BTC
Gault Rennow is born
3.696 BBY
43 BTC
Elin Garza is born on Coruscant
Darth Thanaton is born
3.694 BBY
41 BTC
Rycus Kilran is born on Dromund Kaas
3.691 BBY
38 BTC
3.688 BBY
35 BTC
Darth Jadus is born
3.685 BBY
32 BTC
3.683 BBY
30 BTC
Jace Malcom joins the Republic Army
The Dissappearence of Lord Parnax
3.682 BBY
29 BTC
Fideltin Rusk is born on Mindor
3.681 BBY
28 BTC
The Skirmish in Tingel Arm (First Great Galactic War)
Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia, pg. 26
The Assault on the Aparo sector (First Great Galactic War)
The Tingel Arm campaign (First Great Galactic War)
The Battle of Korriban (First Great Galactic War)
Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia, pg. 26
The Battle of Sluis Van (First Great Galactic War)
The Ascension of Darth Marr - Darth Marr joins the Dark Council
The Blockade of the Rimma Trade Route (First Great Galactic War)
The Minos Cluster Campaign (First Great Galactic War)
3.680 BBY
27 BTC
The First battle of the Seswenna sector (Blockade of the Rimma Trade Route, First Great Galactic War)
The Second battle of the Seswenna sector (Blockade of the Rimma Trade Route, First Great Galactic War)
Malavai Quinn is born on Dromund Kaas
The Battle of Eliad (Minos Cluster Campaign, First Great Galactic War)
3.679 BBY
26 BTC
3.678 BBY
25 BTC
Syo Bakarn is born on Corellia
3.677 BBY
24 BTC
3.676 BBY
23 BTC
Tanno Vik is born on Nar Shaddaa
3.675 BBY
22 BTC
Qyzen Fess is born
3.674 BBY
21 BTC
3.673 BBY
20 BTC
Felix Iresso is born on Rehemsa
Aric Jorgan is born on Rendili
3.672 BBY
19 BTC
Tharan Cedrax is born on Anaxes
Kaliyo Djannis is born on Rattatak
3.671 BBY
18 BTC
Pierce is born on Ziost
The First Battle of Bothawui (First Great Galactic War)
Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia, pg. 26
The Second Battle of Bothawui (First Great Galactic War)
3.670 BBY
17 BTC
Archiban Frodrick Kimble is born on Ralltiir
The purchase of the Crimson Fleece - The smuggler Hylo Visz purchases her starship, the Crimson Fleece.
3.669 BBY
16 BTC
3.668 BBY
15 BTC
3.667 BBY
14 BTC
The Battle of Alderaan (First Great Galactic War)
Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia, pg. 26
3.666 BBY
13 BTC
Raina Temple is born on Dromund Kaas
3.665 BBY
12 BTC
Xivhkalrainik is born
Aven Geth is born on Dromund Kaas
Corso Riggs is born on Ord Mantell
The Battle of Hoth (First Great Galactic War)
Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia, pg. 26
The Theft of a Republic superweapon (First Great Galactic War)
3.664 BBY
11 BTC
Vette is born
Jaesa Willsaam is born on Alderaan
Nadia Grell is born on Sarkhai
Mandalorian attack on a Republic envoy (First Great Galactic War)
Watcher X joins Imperial Intelligence
3.663 BBY
10 BTC
Kira Carsen is born on Dromund Kaas
Lemda Avesta is born on Makeb
The Assassination of Eckhorn Baliss
3.662 BBY
Mako is born on Nar Shaddaa
Mnah Ra'at is born
Arra Yooms is born
Ashara Zavros is born on Coruscant
3.661 BBY
The Blockade of the Hydian Way (First Great Galactic War)
Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia, pg. 27
The Battle near Devaron (Blockade of the Hydian Way, First Great Galactic War)
The Coruscant riots
3.660 BBY
The Battle on the Hydian Way (Blockade of the Hydian Way, First Great Galactic War)
Galactic History 92: The Hydian Way
Torian Cadera is born on Geonosis
The Battle of Ord Radama (Rim Campaign, First Great Galactic War)
The Third Battle of Korriban (Rim Campaign, First Great Galactic War)
The Battle of Ziost (Rim Campaign, First Great Galactic War)
The Battle of Ashas Ree (Rim Campaign, First Great Galactic War)
The Battle of Serenno (Rim Campaign, First Great Galactic War)
The Reconquest of Ord Radama (Rim Campaign, First Great Galactic War)
3.659 BBY
3.658 BBY
3.657 BBY
3.656 BBY
3.655 BBY
The Escape of Mako - Mako escapes from Nar Shaddaa
3.654 BBY
3.653 BBY
0 TC
The Sacking of Coruscant (First Great Galactic War)
- Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia, pg. 27
- Galactic History 94: The Sacking of Coruscant
The Treaty of Coruscant
Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia, pg. 27
The foundation of the Black Sun crime syndicate
The Escape of Kira Carsen - Kira Carsen flees from Dromund Kaas after learning that she is one of the Children of the Emperor.
3.652 BBY
3.651 BBY
The Rediscovery of Tython - Satele Shan rediscovers the Jedi Order's lost homeworld of Tython
The ascension of Satele Shan
The Attack on Mindor
Corso Riggs leaves Ord Mantell and joins the Peace Brigade
3.650 BBY
The Construction of the Jedi Temple on Tython - The Jedi Order decides to relocate its temple on Tython.
The Promotion of Marcus Trant - Marcus Trant becomes the new director of Republic Strategic Information Service.
Andronikos Revel begins his career as a pirate.
3.649 BBY
The Beginning of the Taris Resettlement Initiative - The Galactic Republic begins the Taris Resettlement Initiative
The Imperial Attack on Voss
3.648 BBY
3.647 BBY
3.646 BBY
3.645 BBY
The Recruitment of Kira Carsen - Kira Carsen is discovered on Nar Shaddaa by Jedi Master Bela Kiwiiks, who decides to take the girl as her Padawan
The Investigation on Geonosis
The Mission to Hutta
3.644 BBY
3.643 BBY
10 ATC
The Flesh Raider Uprising - The native Flesh Raiders of the planet Tython under the control of the Dark Jedi Bengel Moor begin a war against the Jedi Order and the Kalikori Village
The Apparition of The Hero of Tython - A young Jedi initiate, who will become the Hero of Tython, arrives on Tython to begin the Jedi training.
The Attack on the Gnarls Outpost (Flesh Raider Uprising) - A numerous force of Flesh Raiders under the command of the Dark Jedi Callef attacks the Jedi outpost on the Tythonian Gnarls. The Warden Derrin Weller and other Jedi Knights defeat the assault with minor casualties.
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Attack of the Flesh Raiders" on Tython
The Duel in the Gnarls cave (Flesh Raider Uprising) - The young apprentice learns from the Warden Derrin Weller that the Flesh Raiders were arriving through a cave network. But his informant, apprentice Unaw Aharo, has been missing and asks the young apprentice to search Unaw Aharo and seal off the cavern. After entering the cave, the new apprentice faces the leader of the Flesh Raiders force, the Dark Jedi Callef, and defeats him in a duel even without a lightsaber. After defeating the Dark Jedi, the Jedi Master Orgus Din arrives and seal the tunnels preventing the Flesh Raiders to attack the Jedi outpost.
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Attack of the Flesh Raiders" on Tython
The Raid on the Flesh Raider weapons cache (Flesh Raider Uprising) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "High-Tech Savages" on Tython
The Attack on Kalikori village (Flesh Raider Uprising) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "High-Tech Savages" on Tython
The Skirmish at the ancient shrine (Flesh Raider Uprising) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Enemy Force" on Tython
The Raid on the Tythos Ridge shield generator (Flesh Raider Uprising) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "The Face of the Enemy" on Tython
The Skirmish in the Kalikori village fields (Flesh Raider Uprising) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "The Face of the Enemy" on Tython
The Assault on the Flesh Raider command base (Flesh Raider Uprising) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "The Face of the Enemy" on Tython
The Raid on the Forsaken Den (Flesh Raider Uprising) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Dark Temptations" on Tython
The Battle of the Forge (Flesh Raider Uprising) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Weapon of the Jedi" on Tython
The Esseles Incident - Grand Moff Rycus Kilran orders the assault of the Esseles to arrest Republic Ambassador Vyn Asara on charges of terrorism and sedition against the Sith Empire. A small team of heroes of the Republic from the Esseles boards the Moff's ship and disengages the tractor beam that held the Esseles. The boarding action allows the republican ship to escape.
Star Wars: The Old Republic— The Esseles Flashpoint
The Attack on the Brentaal Star - Grand Moff Rycus Kilran orders the assault of the Brentaal Star to arrest a former Imperial general who defected to the Republic.
Star Wars: The Old Republic— The Black Talon Flashpoint
The Raid on a Republic Military warehouse (Mission to Coruscant, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Stolen Secrets" on Coruscant
The Raid on the Migrant Merchants' Guild warehouse (Mission to Coruscant, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Stolen Secrets" on Coruscant
The Kidnapping of Doctor Tarnis (Mission to Coruscant, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Kidnapped!" on Coruscant
The Skirmish in Docking Bay 84 (Mission to Coruscant, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Kidnapped!" on Coruscant
The Raid on the Black Sun headquarters (Mission to Coruscant, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "The Rescue" on Coruscant
The Mission to Justicar territory (Mission to Coruscant, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Tracking Down the Traitor" on Coruscant
The Duel in the Jedi Temple ruins (Mission to Coruscant, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Race to the Ruins" on Coruscant
The Assault on Hammer Station -
Star Wars: The Old Republic— Hammer Station Flashpoint
The Mission to Ord Mantell (Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "New Intelligence" on Ord Mantell
The Battle in the Resettlement Zone laboratory (Mission to Taris, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "The Architect of Annihilation" on Taris
The Battle in the Brell Sediment laboratory (Mission to Taris, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Catching Up With Watcher One" on Taris
The Duel in the Lake Brell colony bunker (Mission to Taris, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "A More Immediate Concern" on Taris
The Raid on the Imperial Intelligence Outpost (Mission to Taris, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "The Rescue" on Taris
The Attack on the Power Guard recruitment center (Mission to Nard Shaddaa, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "The Search for Agent Galen" on Nar Shaddaa
The Skirmish in the Power Guard Cybernetics Lab (Mission to Nard Shaddaa, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Red Light, Black Heart" on Nar Shaddaa
The Raid on the SIS safe house (Mission to Nard Shaddaa, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Striking Back" on Nar Shaddaa
The Assault on the Imperial weapons factory (Mission to Nard Shaddaa, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Showdown with Lord Sadic" on Nar Shaddaa
The Raid on Sadic's laboratory (Mission to Nard Shaddaa, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Showdown with Lord Sadic" on Nar Shaddaa
The Duel at the Czerka mining facility ( Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "The Defector" on the Abandoned Mining Facility
The Attack on the Shock Drum facility (Mission to Tatooine, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "The Shock Drum" on Tatooine
The Skirmish in the Shock Drum facility (Mission to Tatooine, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "The Shock Drum" on Tatooine
The Duel on the Esus Mesa (Mission to Tatooine, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Desert Duel" on Tatooine
The Attack on the Mensaav Military Laboratory (Mission to Alderaan, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "The Death Mark" on Alderaan
The Skirmish in the Mensaav Military Laboratory (Mission to Alderaan, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Siege Mentality" on Alderaan
The Assault on the House Thul compound (Mission to Alderaan, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Spy Hunter" on Alderaan
The Battle in Nefarid's hideout (Mission to Alderaan, Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Facing Lord Nefarid" on Alderaan
The Mission to the Oppressor (Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Facing Lord Nefarid" on Alderaan
The Devastation of Uphrades (Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Uphrades" on Uphrades
The Attack on the Daybreaker (Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Uphrades" on Uphrades
The Battle of the Oppressor (Desolator crisis) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Fate of the Jedi" on the Oppressor
The Search for Tulak Hord's artifacts -
The Mission to the Vesla system -
The SpecForce Incident -
The Hunt for Jaesa Willsaam -
The Attack on Rhinnal -
The Red Reaper -
3.642 BBY
11 ATC
The Liberation of Balmorra -
The Plan Zero -
The Invasion of Taris -
The Battle of Taral V -
Star Wars: The Old Republic— Taral V Flashpoint
The Battle of the Maelstrom -
Star Wars: The Old Republic— Maelstrom Prison Flashpoint
The Attack on the Dorin's Sky -
Star Wars: The Old Republic— Boarding Party Flashpoint
The Battle of the Foundry -
Star Wars: The Old Republic— The Foundry Flashpoint
The Battle of the Red Reaper -
Star Wars: The Old Republic— The Red Reaper Flashpoint
The Directive 7 -
Star Wars: The Old Republic— Directive 7 Flashpoint
3.641 BBY
12 ATC
The Invasion of Belsavis -
The Skirmish on Taris -
The Battle of Corellia -
The Battle of Rabaan -
The Battle of the Gauntlet (Rakton campaign, Second Great Galactic War) -
The Operation Talon (Rakton campaign, Second Great Galactic War) -
The A-77 operation (Rakton campaign, Second Great Galactic War) -
The Hunt for the Star Cabal -
The Darth Baras' coup -
The Kaggath -
The Mission to Belsavis (Emperor's ritual crisis, Second Great Galactic War) -
The Mission to the Korriban's Flame (Emperor's ritual crisis, Second Great Galactic War) -
The Mission to Voss (Emperor's ritual crisis, Second Great Galactic War) -
The Battle of the Valiant (Emperor's ritual crisis, Second Great Galactic War) -
The Battle of Corellia (Emperor's ritual crisis, Second Great Galactic War) -
The Dromund Kaas operation (Emperor's ritual crisis, Second Great Galactic War) -
Star Wars: The Old Republic—Jedi Knight Mission: "Doomsday" on Dromund Kaas
The Battle of Kalandis Seven
The Operation Ascendant Pride
The Operation Grand Nova
The Operation New Eclipse
The Operation Raging Dawn
3.640 BBY
13 ATC
The Battle of Ilum (end of the year)
3.639 BBY
14 ATC
3.638 BBY
15 ATC
The Conquest of Makeb
Star Wars: The Old Republic - Rise of the Hutt Cartel
The Raid on the Arcanum (Dread War)
The Confrontation on Ilum (Dread War)
The Battle of Darvannis (Dread War)
Star Wars: The Old Republic— Scum and Villainy Operation
The Seizure of CZ-198
The Battle of Oricon (Dread War)
3.637 BBY
16 ATC
The Assault on Tython (Revanite Crisis, Second Great Galactic War)
Star Wars: The Old Republic— Assault on Tython Flashpoint
The Korriban Incursion (Revanite Crisis, Second Great Galactic War)
Star Wars: The Old Republic— Korriban Incursion Flashpoint
The Operation on Manaan (Revanite Crisis, Second Great Galactic War)
Star Wars: The Old Republic— Depths of Manaan Flashpoint
The Raid on Rakata Prime (Revanite Crisis, Second Great Galactic War)
Star Wars: The Old Republic— Legacy of the Rakata Flashpoint
The Battle of Rishi (Revanite Crisis, Second Great Galactic War)
Star Wars: The Old Republic - Shadow of Revan
The Battle of Yavin 4 (Revanite Crisis, Second Great Galactic War)
Star Wars: The Old Republic - Shadow of Revan
3.636 BBY
17 ATC
The Invasion of Ziost (Second Great Galactic War)
The Attack on Tython (Eternal Empire raids, Second Great Galactic War)
The Attack on Korriban (Eternal Empire raids, Second Great Galactic War)
The First skirmish with the Eternal Fleet (Eternal Empire raids, Second Great Galactic War)
The Capture of The Outlander and Darth Maar (Eternal Empire raids, Second Great Galactic War)
The Assassination of Valkorion (Eternal Empire raids, Second Great Galactic War)
The Outlander is place in carbonite
The (Eternal Empire Conquest, Second Great Galactic War)
3.635 BBY
18 ATC
3.634 BBY
19 ATC
3.633 BBY
20 ATC
3.632 BBY
21 ATC
3.631 BBY
22 ATC
The Rescue of the Outlander
The Battle of Asylum
3.630 BBY
23 ATC
The Formation of the Alliance (Revolt against the Eternal Empire)
The Invasion of Voss (Revolt against the Eternal Empire)
The Assault of the Gravestone (Revolt against the Eternal Empire)
The Escape from Iokath (Revolt against the Eternal Empire)
The Grand Festival of Empress Vaylin (Revolt against the Eternal Empire)
The First Mission to Nathema (Revolt against the Eternal Empire)
The Assault on Odessen (Revolt against the Eternal Empire)
The Bombardment of Coruscant (Revolt against the Eternal Empire)
The Bombardment of Dromund Kaas (Revolt against the Eternal Empire)
The Battle of Zakuul (Revolt against the Eternal Empire)
The Battle of Port Nowhere (Eternal Alliance uprisings)
The Battle of Vanguard Station (Eternal Alliance uprisings)
The Destruction of the Dust Vipers (Eternal Alliance uprisings)
The Adacin and Zanisk's uprising (Eternal Alliance uprisings)
The White Maw Massacre (Eternal Alliance uprisings)
The Assault on Denova (Eternal Alliance uprisings)
The Attack on the space station X7-Cratus (Eternal Alliance uprisings)
The Battle in the Works (Eternal Alliance uprisings)
The Battle on Rakata Prime (Eternal Alliance uprisings)
The Uprising of the Cult of Gethul (Eternal Alliance uprisings)
3.629 BBY
24 ATC
The War on Iokath
The Crisis On Umbara
Star Wars: The Old Republic— Crisis on Umbara flashpoint
The Mission to Copero
Star Wars: The Old Republic— A traitor Among the Chiss flashpoint
3.628 BBY
25 ATC
The Second Mission to Nathema
Star Wars: The Old Republic— The Nathema Conspiracy flashpoint
The Invasion of Ossus (Third Great Galactic War)
Star Wars: The Old Republic— Jedi Under Siege
3.627 BBY
26 ATC
3.626 BBY
27 ATC