Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki

Heroic World Bosses are operation level mobs that require more than 4 players at level to defeat them. Most planets have a Heroic World Boss.

World Bosses[]

Name Planet Level Group Size
SD-0 Coruscant 18 8
The First Dromund Kaas 18 8
Subject Alpha Taris Galactic Republic 21 8
Grandfather Balmorra Sith Empire 22 8
Trapjaw Tatooine 30 8
Battledroid R4-GL Nar Shaddaa 32 8
Ulgo Siegebreaker Alderaan 35 8
Rogue Cartel Warbot Quesh 38 8
The Ancient One Taris Sith Empire 38 8
Snowblind Hoth 44 8
Gargath Hoth 50 8
The Primal Destroyer Belsavis 50 8
The Nightmare Pilgrim Voss 50 16
Gravak'k Ilum
During Gree event only
50 8-16
Surgok'k Ilum
During Gree event only
50 8-16
Dreadtooth Section X 50 8-24
R8-X8 Ossus 70
Kil'Cik the Swarm Lord Ossus 70

Dark vs Light World Bosses[]

Dark Side Bosses[]

  • Aloeek the Voracious - Hoth
  • Chanta the Unforgiving - Tatooine (possibly Dromund Kaas/Coruscant, uncomfirmed)
  • Erdi the Relentless - Alderaan, Dromund Kaas/Coruscant, Hoth, Tatooine
  • Gorso the Nightmare King - Alderaan
  • Jinatte the Merciless - Alderaan
  • Night Stalker Raxine - Hoth
  • Overseer Qezzed - Alderaan, Dromund Kaas/Coruscant, Hoth, Tatooine
  • Preeda the Butcher - Dromund Kaas/Coruscant
  • Tormentor Urdig - Tatooine
  • Yezzil the Raging Storm - Dromund Kaas/Coruscant

Light Side Bosses[]

  • Cortella the Righteous -Alderaan, Dromund Kaas/Coruscant, Hoth, Tatooine
  • Defender Gilada - Hoth
  • Guardian Silaraz - Tatooine
  • Jaadel the Vindicator - Hoth
  • Justice Orzmod - Alderaan, Dromund Kaas/Coruscant, Hoth, Tatooine
  • Keeper Anais - Dromund Kaas/Coruscant
  • Malussa the Gleaming Star - Dromund Kaas/Coruscant
  • Thundering Bozwed - Alderaan
  • Tulo the Fearless - Alderaan
  • Warden Nymessa - Tatooine