Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
Disambig This article is about the Jedi Temple on Tython. For the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, see Jedi Temple Ruins.

The Jedi Temple is located on the planet Tython and is the main base of operations for Jedi Knights and Jedi Consulars on the planet. There are bind points, mailboxes, and a taxi service.

Bind points[]

There are two bind points at the Jedi Temple. The first is outside at the taxi station and the second is on the first floor of the temple inside the cantina.

Lore objects[]


Mission start[]

Mission end[]


Taxi connections[]

Shuttle connections[]


  • Jedi Temple Speeder <Republic Transport Services>

Class trainers[]

  • Master Muheeda - <Jedi Knight Trainer>
  • Master Wettle - <Jedi Consular Trainer>


  • Beejinz - <Social Items Vendor>
  • Benay - <Medium Armor Vendor>
  • Fermin - <Weapons Vendor>
  • Jujuin - <Cantina Vendor>
  • Master Jormin - <Heavy Armor Vendor>
  • Shiden - <Specialty Goods>
  • Republic Medical Droid <Republic Medical Services>

