Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
Sith Empire Kaas City Apartment Sith Empire
Kaas City Apartment
Planet: Dromund Kaas
Occupancy (max): 5 (50)
Decorations (max): 50 (300)
Expansions: 9
Initial purchase: Credit 5,000 or Cartel coin 50
Guild purchase: Credit 5,000

The Kaas City Apartment is a stronghold located on the planet Dromund Kaas.


A Dromund Kaas apartment without equal, this monolithic symbol of personal power and wealth towers above the most elite quadrant of Kaas City. Constructed of the finest materials in a bold, imposing style, this apartment has a commanding view of the Imperial Citadel, and includes an impenetrable security system to deter any unwelcome visitors or determined rivals.


The Kaas City Apartment has nine expansions across two floors that can be unlocked.

Unlocks Credits (personal) Cartel Coins (personal) Max decorations Max occupancy Credits (guild)
Initial purchase Credit 5,000 Cartel coin 50 100 5 Credit 50,000
Garage Credit 250,000 Cartel coin 750 +50 +5 Credit 750,000
East Stairway Credit 10,000 Cartel coin 100 +20 +5 Credit 30,000
West Stairway Credit 10,000 Cartel coin 100 +20 +5 Credit 30,000
Balcony Credit 1,000,000 Cartel coin 1,250 +25 +5 Credit 3,000,000
Main Room Credit 25,000 Cartel coin 200 +50 +5 Credit 75,000
Living Quarters Credit 25,000 Cartel coin 200 +25 Credit 75,000
East Room Credit 40,000 Cartel coin 300 +20 +5 Credit 120,000
West Room Credit 40,000 Cartel coin 300 +20 +5 Credit 120,000
South Room Credit 40,000 Cartel coin 300 +20 +5 Credit 120,000
Total Credit 1,445,000 Cartel coin 3,550 350 50 Credit 4,370,000






  • Patch 4.0.3a (10 Dec 2015): The Coruscant and Dromund Kaas Strongholds now cost 4 Credits each as intended.
  • Patch 3.0.0 (2 Dec 2014): To celebrate our impending 3rd Anniversary, the Dromund Kaas and Coruscant Strongholds are now available for 3 Credits!
  • Patch 2.9.0 - Galactic Strongholds (19 Aug 2014): Added.