Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
Galactic Republic Lain-Ricie
Galactic Republic


Level 32 Vendor NPC (Standard)

Faction: Galactic Republic
Species: Nautolan
Gender: Female
Occupation(s): Merchant
Health: 2235
Planet: Alderaan
Region: The Juran Mountains
Location: [1869, 1091]
Status: Alive
Introduced: Star Wars: The Old Republic

Lain-Ricie is a junk dealer vendor located south of The Juran Mountains on the planet Alderaan.


She sells only 2 items, Red Detonite Actuator and MGGS which are both needed to access 2 datacron on Alderaan.

Vendor Store
527627 MGGS Credit 10000

527307 Red Detonite Actuator Credit 2000

External links[]
