Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki

Mastery is an attribute that increases the aptitude in combat, including damage, critical chances and healing effectiveness, and was introduced with Knights of the Fallen Empire. All former primary attributes, Aim, Cunning, Strength, and Willpower, are now Mastery.

Old attributes associated with Mastery[]

Attribute Class Description
Strength Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior Increases the damage and critical chances of the melee and Force powers of Jedi Knights and Sith Warriors.
Willpower Jedi Consular/Sith Inquisitor Increases the damage and critical chances of the melee and Force powers of Jedi Consulars and Sith Inquisitors.
Aim Trooper/Bounty Hunter Increases the damage and critical chances of the ranged and tech powers of Troopers and Bounty Hunters.
Cunning Smuggler/Imperial Agent Increases the damage and critical chances of the ranged and tech powers of Smugglers and Imperial Agents.

Mastery item modifications[]
