Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
Medium Farium Mission Box
Medium Farium Mission Box
Item Level 61
Binds on Pickup
Class 11 Lockbox. Right-click to open.

Medium Farium Mission Box is a premium class 11 mission lockbox.


Medium Farium Mission Boxes can be obtained through the Crew Skill Treasure Hunting from level 56-60 missions.


Medium Farium Mission Boxes can be opened to generate a single premium or prototype item reward. The following list includes items that have been observed to be generated by this lockbox:

Heavy armor

  • Uxiol Mfg Enigmatic Force Legguards
  • Prototype Kessler Enigmatic Prototype Force Helmet

Medium armor

Light armor

Droid Armor

Ranged weapons

Melee weapons


  • Datapad Schematic: Veda Cloth Boots

See also[]

External links[]
