Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
Seeker Droid
Seeker Droid
Binds on Pickup
Mission Item
Use: Summons your Subterranean Seeker Droid to search a 5-meter radius at the desired location. Any buried items that are found are automatically extracted and returned to you.

Right-click this item to permanently add the GSI industrial-grade Subterranean Seeker Droid to your set of abilities. You can then use it from the General tab of your Abilities page.

Seeker Droid is a mission item introduced with Rise of the Hutt Cartel.


Seeker Droid missions are provided by Master Cedral Gend during a mission on Coruscant for Republic characters or by Darth Acina during a mission on Dromund Kaas for Imperial characters. Players may start the mission chain by going to the level 50 droids (BB-6G for Republic players, Z1-3C for Imperial players) located at the north elevator of the fleet station and on the capital planets (BB-6G outside the Coruscant Spaceport, Z1-3C near the Kaas City Central Taxi).

Republic mission chain
Galactic Republic [53] Master Gend's Mission
Galactic Republic [53] Buried Evils
Galactic Republic [53] Raid on Arcanum
Galactic Republic [54] Where Madness Takes Root
Galactic Republic [54] No Place Left To Hide
Galactic Republic [55H4] Uprooting The Last Seed
Imperial mission chain
Sith Empire [53] An invitation from Darth Acina
Sith Empire [53] Weapons of Chaos
Sith Empire [53] Defending Arcanum
Sith Empire [54] Hidden Perils
Sith Empire [54] Hunting Through The Shadows
Sith Empire [55H4] The Alchemy Of Evil

Players can obtain the Star Forager or Dreadseed armor sets by competing this mission chain.


See also[]

External links[]
