The Sith Sanctum is a building located in Kaas City on the planet Dromund Kaas. Darth Thanaton's Private Library and Darth Vengean's Compound can be found in this building.
Mission start[]
- [10] The Transporter
- [11] At the Foot of the Colossus
- [12] Pull the Plug
- [13] High Society
- [14] Laying Waste
- [16] An Ancient Answer
- [16] Leaving Dromund Kaas
Mission objective[]
Mission end[]
- [9] The Flight to Dromund Kaas
- [9] Imperial High Command
- [9] Onward to Dromund Kaas
- [12] Dark Meeting
- [53] An Invitation From Darth Acina
- [53] Weapons Of Chaos
- [55H4] The Alchemy Of Evil
- [55H4] The Shroud's Last Stand
- Darth Acina
- Darth Baras
- Darth Jadus
- Darth Mortis
- Darth Zhorrid
- Evie Bo
- Grik Sonosan
- ISD-12
- Lord Kras
- Lord Krillis
- Lord Lokar
- Lord Zash
- Vyord Yanol
Class trainers[]
- Ajaan <Sith Warrior Trainer>
- Lord Krimyn <Sith Warrior Advanced Trainer>
- Yenoa <Sith Inquisitor Trainer>
- Overseer Kryos <Sith Inquisitor Advanced Trainer>
- Dark Guardian
- Imperial Guard