Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
Space Combat: Skaross Fortification

Level 34 mission
Space combat mission

Area Seat of the Empire
Start Galaxy Map
Experience 5 - 4485 XP
Rewards Medallion 3 Fleet Commendation
Credit 2227

Space Combat: Skaross Fortification is one of the fourth tier of space combat missions for the Empire side. Once reaching level 34, it is one of two missions that become unlocked and is accessible through your galaxy map.

A key Imperial weapons manufacturing station in the Skaross system is under assault from the Republic bombers. Reinforcements are desperately needed to ensure the station's survival.


Primary Objective:

  • Intercept Raven Bombers (Missiles Useful): 0/50

Secondary (Bonus) Objective:

  • [34] Disable the Capital Ship Shields:
    • Destroy the Shield Generators: 0/4
  • [40] Obliterate the Republic Escort:
    • Destroy Red Talon Fighters: 0/30
  • [1] Destroy the Republic Command Bridge:
    • Destroy the Bridge - Can only be completed with Proton Torpedo


Initial Quest Bonus

  • Grade 4 Beam Charger
  • 19020 XP

Repeatable Rewards

Daily Quest[]

There is an associated Daily Quest you can get on your ship which sends you back to Space Combat: Skaross Fortification and Space Combat: Mugaar Ice Field after completing the initial quest. It is called Operation Rising Fury and rewards upon completion:
