Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
Rise of the Hutt Cartel
Media Type Digital Expansion (PC)
Developer BioWare
Publisher Electronic Arts
Rating ESRB: T
PEGI: 16
Published April 14th, 2013
(Early Access)
April 9th, 2013
(General Release)
Timeline 3639 BBY
Preceded By Star Wars: The Old Republic
Followed By Galactic Starfighter

Rise of the Hutt Cartel (RotHC) is the first digital expansion to Star Wars: The Old Republic and was officially announced on December 18, 2012. It launched on April 14th, 2013 with Early Access starting on April 9th.[1] The expansion content takes place on the new planet Makeb and centers around the Hutt Cartel.

Content highlights include the increase of the level cap from 50 to 55, Legacy achievements, a new planet, and a new operation.




Main article: Makeb

The expansion introduced a new planet, Makeb, which is home to the expansion's new content.

  • All players who achieve level 48 can access their ship's holocom to begin Chapter 4: Rise of the Hutt Cartel.
  • New story, side and daily missions available on Makeb.
  • New maximum level cap of 55 to complete missions.
  • Reputation category, "Citizens of Makeb", added to Legacy tab: dailies and loot provide reputation items to increase reputation.

New Level Cap[]

  • Level 55 Operations.
  • Level 55 Hardmode flashpoints.
  • New Level 55 exclusive planets: Oricon, CZ-198, etc.
  • Macrobinocular missions: new achievements added to all planets for macrobinocular detection.


Main article: Rise of the Hutt Cartel Cast

Pre-order rewards[]

Players that pre-order the expansion before release will be awarded the following items:

Players who pre-ordered by January 7, 2013 11:59PM CT will also automatically receive 5 days Early Access to Rise of the Hutt Cartel.[2]


Concept Art[]





