The Bog is a region located on the planet Hutta. The Eagle's Nest, Nomen Karr's Safe House and the Safe House can be found in this area.
- +2 Aim - [-95, 860] Look for the Medical Droid and climb the downed pipe up the hillside. Located on the east side of the hill. Unlocks Galactic History 01: The Architects.
Lore objects[]
- Evocii Exile - [-102, 911] An Evocii near the Medical Droid.
- Renegade Evocii - [-196, -780] An Evocii totem at the north end of the area.
Mission start[]
- [5] Tech Jealousy
Mission objective[]
- [5] Trophy Hunter
- [6] Hunting Party (Bonus)
- [6] Subverting Karrels Javis
- [6] Marked Evocii (Bonus)
- M-78 "The Harvester"
- Fa'athra Bog Looter
- Fa'athra Bog Trapper
- Fa'athra Mining Droid
- Fa'athra Swamp Scout
- Fa'athra Swamp Tracker
- Evocii Insurgent
- Hunting Droid
- Renegade Evocii Raider
- Swamp Snarler