Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
The Missing Agent

Level 18 mission

Planet [[Balmorra]]
Area [[Sundari Flatlands]]
Start [[Watcher Eight]]
End [[Watcher Eight]]

The Missing Agent is a level 18 mission available to characters belonging to the Sith Empire. It is obtained on Balmorra by speaking with Watcher Eight in the Sundari Imperial Outpost in the Sundari Flatlands.


Watcher Eight received a distress signal from Agent Veld, who was sent to the Balmorran Arms Factory on a reconnaissance mission. He wants you to look for Agent Veld.

Find Agent Veld at the Balmorran Arms Factory in the Sundari Flatlands.

~ Star Wars: The Old Republic, The Missing Agent mission description


  • Locate Agent Veld
  • Retrieve Code Cylinders: 0/2
  • Destroy the First Resistance Starship
  • Destroy the Second Resistance Starship
  • Destroy the Third Resistance Starship
  • Return to Watcher Eight


  • 5320 XP
  • Credit 400

Select One Reward:

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