Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki
Independent Yavin 4 Temple Independent
Yavin 4 Temple
Planet: Yavin 4
Occupancy (max): 10
Decorations (max): 250 (750)
Expansions: 9
Initial purchase: Credit 2,500,000 or Cartel coin 2,500
Guild purchase: Credit 15,000,000

The Yavin 4 Temple is a stronghold located on the planet Yavin 4.


Lost for centuries under the towering treetops of Yavin 4, this temple is the perfect retreat far, far away from the troubles of the Galaxy.


The Yavin 4 Temple is for those who are willing to spend real money. While this stronghold can be unlocked with the 60 day one-off subscription plan, regular subscription is recommended to unlock everything aside from the temple rooms and the stairwells.

Unlocks Credits (personal) Cartel Coins (personal) Max decorations Max occupancy Credits (guild)
Initial purchase Credit 2,500,000 Cartel coin 2,500 250 10 Credit 15,000,000
Temple Room 1 Credit 825,000 Cartel coin 700 +50 +5 Credit 2,000,000
Temple Room 2 Credit 975,000 Cartel coin 800 +50 +5 Credit 2,400,000
Upper Stairwell Credit 450,000 Cartel coin 400 +25 +5 Credit 900,000
Lower Stairwell Credit 450,000 Cartel coin 400 +25 +5 Credit 900,000
Temple Basement Credit 1,500,000 Cartel coin 1,200 +25 +5 Credit 3,750,000
Temple Balcony Credit 1,200,000 Cartel coin 1,000 +25 +5 Credit 3,000,000
Temple Grounds Credit 2,600,000 Cartel coin 2,000 +200 +10 Credit 7,800,000
Sanctuary 1 Credit 1,250,000 Cartel coin 1,250 +50 +5 Credit 3,125,000
Sanctuary 2 Credit 1,250,000 Cartel coin 1,250 +50 +5 Credit 3,125,000
Total Credit 13,000,000 Cartel coin 11,000 750 50 Credit 42,000,000






  • Patch 3.3.0 (22 Jul 2015): Added.